Before it became a buzz phrase, my mom told all of us growing up, that she “loves us to the moon and back.”

That same type of love is what I have carried with me into my life: my goals, dreams & in all of my relationships.
I have many moons 🌚 🌝 in my life. Each connection unique, grounded in our interaction with ourselves and in group. Ideas about @HopeNSeed @EademArbor, @PeaceInBoston, @blck.and.blnd were brought into my consciousness & to the community I didn’t see how all of this has been interwoven throughout my life. I think about how each initiative have come to form due to the way I was raised — the values I was taught, connections made throughout my lifetime, the gifts I have been given, the love that has been sparked & shared

Some affirmations & statements of belief:
We believe in God the mother almighty maker of heaven and earth of all that is seen & unseen

She is the purest & truest form of unconditional Love.
We are not afraid to question the behaviors & decisions of women & men, this includes questions of ourselves.

We wait quietly for a response about these questions of truth.

We know the best way to resolve any issue is through communication whether it is an issue within ourselves, most often always is, and/or an issue with someone we love.

Communication is key. & Community comes through communication & unity.

All of these fore mentioned. initiatives have been rooted in love. For the people of our pasts & ancestral lives & the future of what is to come.

Post our @blck.and.blnd discussion at @Athleta yesterday morning, I went over to @trillfit for a cardio dance class, had an incredible dance session and then pulled this affirmation. See photo above.
Sometimes the written reminders of this being tied to something much bigger are just so necessary.

Post class we met up with friends from all the places I have come to call HOME on my journeys. I’m not on my phone as much these days so many thanks to my beautiful friends for capturing the moments. Not all moons who were present are pictured & many wrote in spirit with words of pure positivity & encouragement. To all of you thank you for always believing in me.
All of this is starting to make actual sense. The timeline is circling back around. As Abraham Hicks says, “when you can smell it, hear it, taste it, touch it.” The path is unfolding, I realize that we keep advancing as we continue to love with no conditions. As we build in partnership with communion & truth.
We learn we can love from a distance. & that self love is sometimes about letting go in order to let gravity take you soul & body back to a place of alignment.

The beauty about reunions are the moments when we get to give and feel that embrace with those whose energies are aligned with the positivity in us. Those are the moments that remind us that we are alive, live & Lit beings on this earth.
Thank you to everyone who has stood by me throughout this past year as I’ve worked to find a deeper sense of awareness, hold myself more accountable; find my voice; and, to remember the wilder part of me.
This is in dedication to all those who have reminded me that healing & education are a continuous journey; who have rallied behind my spirit & my intention. & who are dedicated to seek & find peace in all that we do.
Shout out to my mom for sacrificing her body to grow my 10lb 2oz baby Erin 37 years ago & to my dad for planting the seed & making sure we always had all that we needed. My mom reminds me to shoot for the moon 🌙 and my dad reminds me of the reality — the warring ways of men. It’s a beautiful balance.
We approach this crazy thing called life with whole hearted gratitude & we hope that the grace of peace is reflected in both our stillness and our flow.
Can’t wait to continue to whole heartedly celebrate all that we have created & all the abundance that continues to unfold.